My First Road Trip

I took a car ride the other day to meet my Grandma and Grandpa.

We were on the road for over five hours on the way down and close to that heading back.

That’s long for a first trip out of town and all in one day!

 love the expressway!

love the expressway!

But it was so worth it!!!


I had a wonderful day.

Grandma made me lunch and she and Grandpa gave me a big bag full of doggie treats, a nice big nylon bone and loads of hugs and kisses. I also showed Grandpa how I play “Fetch”.

Then I slept like a log…


I miss them now that I’m back home… so I go chew on Grandma’s bone.

Thanks for the bone Grandma n Grandpa... I love it!

Thanks for the bone Grandma n Grandpa… I love it!

It’s only the nylon one… honest!